“Film as dream, film as music. No art passes our conscience in the way film does, and goes directly to our feelings, deep down into the dark rooms of our souls. ”
Long before my venture into filmmaking, watching and studying films has been a passion of mine. When I was young, I would rewatch the same films over and over to figure out every little thing that the cinematographer or director was trying to do. My biggest inspiration in both my everyday life and in my work is Tim Burton. Tim is my biggest influence and a huge reason I am in film today.
When it came time to choose an area of study as high school was coming to an end, I immediately knew I wanted to pursue film. From August 2014 to May 2018, I studied film at Louisiana State University and the University of New Orleans. UNO's film school is immaculate; teaching each student both a thorough history of film and hands-on working with each department in the film industry. I am trained in Screenwriting, Directing, Producing, Cinematography, Production Design, Post-Production, and much more. UNO helped my interest in film flourish in many ways, whether that be learning about the history of film or the science behind color and lenses.
Making films is my passion and I strive to move others with my art. I enjoy freelance solo filmmaking and doing every aspect of the film myself, as well as working with crews to create a piece where minds are put together to create something wonderful.
•Please head to my resume to see in depth work experience and education.